

The organization Offener TV-Kanal Bielefeld e.V., also known as Kanal 21 is a local non-commercial television studio established 1998, that offers all citizens the opportunity to produce television programs by themselves and broadcast it via the TV learning channel “NRWision”. Individuals, groups, school classes and clubs can actively help shape the program and show their content to the audience. Kanal 21 is, at the same time, a media education service provider, production facility and field of learning: Kanal 21 provides interested and already active filmmakers with technology, know-how and slots for the broadcast via (our streaming platform) or NRWision. In addition to television, Kanal 21 also promotes the use of other media (Photo, Audio, Texts etc.). The wide range of seminars, projects with schools and clubs and regular TV events show a variety of linking possibilities of the different media and make the “colorful character” of Kanal 21.


The Citizen Centre Bennohaus, Arbeitskreis Ostviertel Association (AKO) is a socio-cultural, cultural and educational, media pedagogical, multidisciplinary and cross-generational, open meeting place and a district community centre. It is a home for teaching media literacy and the qualification of citizens with skills of all kind. With its offers it appeals to citizens of all ages, beliefs and social classes, especially children, youths, seniors and migrants, and inter alia concentrates on media work and education.


CiudadEscuela Muchachos (CEMU), which translates to Town-School for Boys and Girls, was founded on the 1st of December in 1970 by Alberto Muñiz Sánchez, known to the community as Tío Alberto, architect, multifaceted artist, and vocational educator. The ultimate goal was to integrate children who have had rough childhoods into society so that they too can serve as functioning members of their communities. These children tend to be labelled as “at risk”. However, Tío Alberto believes that by instilling in them a personal sense of responsibility and power of change, they can become critically engaged citizens and shed themselves of society’s label.


TEAM4Excellence is the national partner and the only EFQM representative in Romania. They offer companies a differentiating criterion for expanding the client portfolio in Romania and on the foreign market, as well as a tool for the sustainable growth of a business through EFQM training, EFQM Assessment and other EFQM services.


The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy provides the opportunity for leading researchers, politicians, diplomats and students as future decision-makers to meet for discussions on the most recent developments in their fields of research/work. The ICRP encourages contributors to submit their comprehensive and original works on various topics concentrated on the areas related to the ones that ICRP is focused on. The ICRP publishes articles, research papers, analyses and opinion essays.